SEALS, Byzantine. Seal (Lead, 32 mm, 17.62 g, 1 h), Stephan, apo hypaton, patrikios, and genikos kommerkiarios of the Apotheke of the first and second Cappadocia, under Constans II, circa 659-668. CTЄΦANOY APO / [Y]PA TωN ΠATPIK[IO/Y] KAI ΓЄN[IK]OY [KOMM/Є]PK[IA] Facing busts of Constans II, with helmet and long beard, on left, wearing crown and chlamys, and Constantine IV, on right, wearing crown and chlamys; both holding globus cruciger; above, cross. Rev. APIOY AΠΟΘHKHC K/AΠΠΑΔOKIAC / [Π]PωTHC KAI / [ΔЄY]T[ЄPAC] Facing busts of Heraclius, on left, wearing crown and chlamys, and Tiberius, on right, wearing crown and chlamys; both holding globus cruciger; above, cross. Cf. BLS I, 138-144, Roma 9 (2015), 958 and Triton XI (2008), 1118. A rare and interesting seal. Very fine.
A number of seals in the name of Stephan have shown up over the years, allowing Zacos and Veglery to reconstruct his career in BLS I. He was a public official under Constans II and held a number of important posts in the administration of Asia Minor. Our example names him as the genikos kommerkiarios, the overseer of a state warehouse (apothekai), of the first and second province of Cappadocia.